All Assam masters athletics is going to take place from 27 to 30 December. Buckle up and get your forms filled. Your adrenaline rush is going to get up for sure.

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About Association

We are a prominent sports Association located in the city of Jorhat. This association is dedicated to promoting and developing various athletic activities and sports in the region.

About Events

It hosts a wide range of sporting events, including running, throws, jumps and other popular sports. We play a crucial role in nurturing local talent and fostering a culture of sports and physical fitness in the community.


We are hosting an event from December 27 to 30. Such events provide an excellent platform for athletes and sports enthusiasts to showcase their skills and passion. It's an exciting opportunity for participants and spectators alike to come together and enjoy some thrilling sporting action.


The All Assam Masters Athletics event is scheduled for December 27th to 30th. Prepare to participate by completing your registration forms.

Get ready for an exhilarating experience that is sure to get your adrenaline pumping! opportunity in Assam.

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Passion led us here